Umweltberatung Dr. Raphael

Umweltberatung Dr. Raphael (Environmental Consulting) of Schwerte, Germany, is D. Glass Associates' primary European collaboration partner. Umweltberatung Dr. Raphael focuses on technology and business transfer in bioremediation between the United States, Asia and Germany, and also on the design and implementation of environmental remediation projects in Germany and elsewhere in Europe.

Thomas Raphael is president of Umweltberatung Dr. Thomas Raphael. After six years of scientific work in the Institut for Biotechnology, Research Center Jülich in the field of soil bioremediation and biological treatment of industrial wastewater and groundwater, he worked for two years for the Federal Ministry of Research and Development as a secretary-general. Dr. Raphael spent four years in the bioremediation industry as marketing and development manager of HP-Biotechnologie in Witten, Germany. Dr. Raphael holds a doctoral degree in natural sciences from the Technical University of Aachen. He is the author of several papers and patents in the field of bioremediation, and is a coauthor of several papers and reports with David Glass, including "Bioremediation in Germany: Technologies, Markets and Leading Practitioners".

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Thomas Raphael
Umweltberatung Dr. Raphael
Environmental Consulting
Lohbachstr. 12
D-58239 Schwerte, Germany
phone +49-2304-945-328
fax +49-2304-945-329

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