D. Glass Associates, Inc.

"The 2000 Phytoremediation Industry"

U.S. and International Industry Directory with Company Profiles

Looking for information on the companies that practice phytoremediation? "The 2000 Phytoremediation Industry" is just what you need. Adapted from D. Glass Associates’ comprehensive 1999-2000 international phytoremediation market report, this new Industry Directory provides a concise, yet complete, summary of the companies, government agencies and academic research groups working in phytoremediation, not only in the United States, but also in Europe, Canada and elsewhere in the world.
The Directory includes:
  • Profiles of over 70 companies practicing phytoremediation worldwide, including information on completed phyto projects.
  • Contact information for phytoremediation companies, including names, addresses, phone, fax, e-mail and web addresses.
  • Summary profiles of leading academic research groups.
  • Discussion of government research and grant activities in the U.S., Canada and Europe.
Over 60 detailed company profiles....
Complete contact information, including e-mail addresses and websites.
The Directory is 100 pages long, and includes 18 tables summarizing the phytoremediation activities of companies, governments and academic research labs around the world.

Specially priced at U.S. $125, this Directory is perfect for site owners, regulators, consultants, students or job-hunters seeking contact information for the key players in the phytoremediation industry, and is available in print or electronic versions.

Please click here to order.

The report is now available, and can be sent to you by e-mail, generally within 1 to 2 business days.

To place an order by mail, fax or e-mail, please click here.

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On-line, e-mail or fax orders should preferably include a company purchase order; if ordering by mail, please enclose a check or include a purchase order number.

For more information about D. Glass Associates' comprehensive market reports on phytoremediation:

New: bioremediation market reports now available: click here for details.

D. Glass Associates, Inc. specializes in market and technology assessments and technology transfer/international partnering in hazardous waste remediation, bioremediation and phytoremediation. David J. Glass, Ph.D. has written seven previous market reports on bioremediation and other topics and has been a featured speaker at several international remediation conferences.

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